This event is a story about the struggle of four girls who try to fulfill their dreams against the backdrop of life in Shibuya, Tokyo and Harajuku. They are trying to succeed in the world of Fashion and Industry. in this drama unfold as young women are encouraged to manage the demands of friends, relationships, managers and family on the road to prove their identity. The show will contain 12 episodes and 30 minutes/episode.
Marie Ishikawa is a singer whose dream is about to come true as she makes her recording debut in 2011.
Daughter of a sumo legend and national icon, Kozue Akimoto wants to step out of her father’s shadow and is quickly finding her niche as the model with eclectic tastes.
Shion Miyawaki debuted in 2007 but with her music career slowing down, both she and her record label need to find a new direction
Chinese-born model Sun Wei grew up in Japan and her stardom is on the rise. Though surrounded by admirers, she is single and looking for love.
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